
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Baby Lawson # 2

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, August 31, 2009

Visit with Auntie Em and Uncle Greg

This past weekend Auntie Em and Uncle Greg came up to see us. This visit was amazing. If you do not know I'm a perfectionist and I tend to want to make everybody happy and I get all stressed out when people visit because I want it to be perfect. However, this weekend I was up front with Greg and Em that Jackson doesn't really sit still to go out to dinner. We can go out to dinner, but he can only handle about 30 minutes before he is ready to run. They were so understanding that they offered to just bring dinner home (which is what we normally do) or maybe they didn't want to be embarrassed by Jackson. :) After dinner Jackson and Lux played in the living room. It was great to see Jackson and Lux play since this is really the first time Jackson has been around a big dog. Lux is a 19 month old Golden Retriever - she is still a puppy herself. Jackson would get Lux's attention and then he start running around the coffee table and Lux would just chase him and once she caught up to him, she would lick him. Jackson would just giggle and smile when Lux licked him. This went on for about 30 minutes. It was too funny.

On Sunday we went to Sonic as it's brand new in Appleton. As we pulled up to Sonic we were met by a employee and he told us that Sonic was only open to people with a V.I.P pass. We said ok we will come back when Sonic is open to the public. The man then said no come on in I will act like you gave me a V.I.P pass. Then he went on to say that our entire meal is free because it was training for the servers. What a sweet deal!!! We got $28.00 worth of food free! This is when the situation started...As we went to leave Mark says the car won't start. I'm like stop messin with us. He then tried to start the car again and it won't start. Could it have been a worst time? We had Jackson and Lux in the car and we just took out the jumper cables and stroller so Lux could sit in the back end. What luck is that? So, Mark and Greg pushed the car out of Sonics driveway and the guy who let us in free got an employee to jump our car. Even though the car died the free food was worth it!

Jackson's first really boo-boo

A few weeks ago Jackson and I were sitting on our neighbors stoop. I lean over to smell a flower. I wasn't thinking Jackson would mock me, but he did. As he was mocking me he tumbled right over and smacked his head on the pavement. He never had a chance to get his hands out in front of him. It happened so quickly that I didn't have time to react. Needless to say our visit with our neighbors ended and we went home and gave Jackson some TLC. My poor baby!


Jackson is just starting to play in his bedroom, mainly because we bought Jackson an activity rug. It's funny how Jackson knew to put his cars on the rug and push them around. He even makes a car noise. Here is how the slippers come into play....so the other day I asked Jackson to put his cars away in his toy box (he had never really used the toy box). As he opened the toy box he noticed a pair slippers. He brought them over to me and insisted that I help him put them on. Once I put them on he would walk around for a few minutes and then he would giggly. So how did we get these cute slippers? We actually got them from work- that's the Cottenelle puppy. Isn't Jackson adorable?

Wild Air!!

We found this really cool place to take Jackson to play - Wild Air!! http://www.wild-air.com/
Wild Air is an indoor inflatable playground. Jackson just loves it! We love it too because it is rather cheap $5.00 for 30 minutes, which is plenty of time for Jackson. Oh, Jackson loves to go down the slide by himself! He has no fear!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is Nancy's and Burl's birthdays. They are both 59 and holding! :) We wish you two a very happy birthday and hope you have a wonderful day.

Also I want to congratulate my BFF Kay and Todd as Baby Colton Lukas Pliske arrived this morning. Very special people are born on August 11th.